Community Engagement Tasmania

Tasmanian Community Sentiment Survey
The Tasmanian Community Sentiment Survey (TCSS) tracks and analyses more than 50 leading Tasmanian organisations, including Government Business Enterprises, Social, Not-For-Profit and For-Profit businesses.
Competitive measurements across Awareness (Prompted, PR, Advertising), Willingness to Recommend, Admiration, Trust, Overall Feelings and Associations allow for competitive benchmarking versus competitors and market leaders.
Uniquely, the TCSS tracks sentiment against the core elements of social licence which provides a deeper insight into how an organisation is perceived within communities across Tasmania. This is invaluable in understanding prior to commencing a project or enterprise within a community.
The 3P Advisory TCSS data is collected monthly from an ever growing and statistically significant sample of Tasmanians. This ensures robust ongoing measurement and analysis within complex and rapidly changing market conditions and public conversations.
The dataset also acts to improve evidence-based decision-making through a greater understanding of community behaviours and preferences with a broad range of Demographic, Media, Interest and Affiliation (e.g. Political) data.
In addition to the Tasmanian Community Sentiment Survey, 3P undertakes bespoke pieces of community sentiment tracking and analysis on a range of social and economic issues. Our annual liveability report is an example of this. Head to Engage Tasmania to find out how you can get involved.